“We make beer for people who like the taste of beer.”
-Chip McElroy
Live Oak Brewing employs an old-world style of brewing rarely found in America but practiced extensively throughout central Europe.

Since 1997, Live Oak Brewing Company has been committed to producing delicious lagers and ales for the enjoyment of passionate beer drinkers of Austin, Texas, and beyond.
We source only the best authentic ingredients, and use a time-consuming mash and secondary lagering process. The result has achieved both regional and national acclaim, but more importantly, the satisfaction of loyal beer drinkers who appreciate our beer-making efforts.
Recently, Live Oak Brewing was named one of The 50 Best American Breweries of the 2010s by Paste Magazine.
“Live Oak is, more than anything, an uncompromising brewery. They don’t tweak their releases to suit changing styles and preferences—they do what they’re good at, what they have a passion for, and they rarely deviate from the classics. German lagers, German ales, executed with a deference to history and technical acumen that rivals anyone else in the game—that’s the Live Oak way.”